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Pink Mini Bag

This is actually my very first crocheted project and my first original bag pattern.

I was practicing the basic stitches and I didn't know what to make so I decided to make a bag.. Which turned out to be a case that was supposed to be for Josh's HD but I realized used a pink yarn, so I just made another one for him. To make the story short, It ended up being my HD case. lol

It is basically single crochet stitches.  This is literally the veeeeery first crochet project that I've made. I was just not able to post it first. :3

I used pink redheart yarn all throughout. The crochet hook that I used was 3/0 aluminum crochet hook. I added red, round button as a closure. Anyway, I was able to create the whole so the button to fit by skipping a few stitches. Make sure that the hole is a little smaller than the button (or any closure you choose, if you decide to make one like this too).

Hey, if you want me to show you detailed instruction for this, I'll try and make another one, just leave it on the comment! 

Have a nice day! :)

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